2 Our plan of attack
The macro system you will mostly want to use for production-quality macros is called syntax-parse. And don’t worry, we’ll get to that soon.
But if we start there, you’re likely to feel overwhelmed by concepts and terminology, and get very confused. I did.
1. Instead let’s start with the basics: A syntax object and a function
to change it—
2. Soon we’ll realize that pattern-matching would make life easier. We’ll learn about syntax-case and its shorthand cousin, define-syntax-rule. We’ll discover we can get confused if we want to munge pattern variables before sticking them back in the template, and learn how to do that.
3. At this point we’ll be able to write many useful macros. But, what
if we want to write the ever-popular anaphoric if, with a "magic
variable"? It turns out we’ve been protected from making certain kind
of mistakes. When we want to do this kind of thing on purpose, we use
a syntax parameter. [There are other, older ways to do this. We won’t
look at them. We also won’t spend a lot of time
advocating "hygiene"—
4. Finally, we’ll realize that our macros could be smarter when they’re used in error. Normal Racket functions optionally can have contracts and types. These catch usage mistakes and provide clear, useful error messages. It would be great if there were something similar for macro. There is. One of the more-recent Racket macro enhancements is syntax-parse.